Fishing Therapy for
Cancer Kids!

Catching Dreams Charters, Inc. a 501(c)(3) not for profit, provides fishing adventures for children and young adults battling cancer! We create meaningful moments and memories on the waters of Western New York by “turning wishing into fishing”!
Young Warriors
At Catching Dreams Charters, we believe that every child deserves a chance to experience the joy of fishing and connect with nature. That’s why we are dedicated to providing fishing opportunities to children who are battling cancer, or those in remission looking to regain some sense of normalcy. We are proud to support the mission of Catching Dreams Charters and share their commitment to empowering the next generation of warriors.

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See some of our testimonials below
"Our son is addicted to fishing and it's a really nice hobby to be hooked on. He's unable to do sports like other kids or go hiking or do other things he used to love due to the cancer. He loves the excitement of not knowing what he's going to catch. He loves fighting the fish and he never had that prior to fishing with Capt. Ned. He says it's relaxing to sit by the water and wait for a bite. As his mother watching him suffer and experience trauma multiple surgeries a million needle pokes, angling truly is therapeutic for him and brings him joy and helps him cope with all the nasty negative things that come with a cancer diagnosis."
"Through Carlys Club we met captain Ned from Catching Dreams Charters. He was telling us about what they do and Aiden was lucky to be picked to go fishing. We had taken him fishing at our camp but when he saw the boat oh my he lit up like a Christmas tree and when he caught his first fish I have never seen him smile so big I believe he forgot about the port in his chest for a little while. Every time we drive by the lake he points and says that’s where we were fishing. Catching Dreams gave him something that he will always love it’s fishing. I can’t really say enough about Captain Ned. He also included his twin brother on the fishing trip."
"Captain Ned and Catching Dreams have made a profound impact on my life, and I think the work this organization does is incredibly important. More sick kids deserve to be able to experience this medicine—because that’s what it is, medicine. Captain Ned is a kind of a doctor, and he was part of the team that helped make me well again. His great organization is so important, and its treatments need to be spread."
"We are very appreciative that he can do this with grants from different organization and sponsors. It truly makes a difference in the lives of the kids who go out. I know of a few others that Cpt. Ned has taken out and they all loved it as well and looked forward to the next time they are able to go out. He plans out the events and calls everyone to make sure they can attend and if it rains plans for an alternative date to try again."
"In 2016 we were introduced to Captain Ned and his team from Catching Dreams Charters Inc. Our family knew nothing about fishing and we were so surprised when our two boys returned with so much excitement and stories about all the catches they had made! They couldn’t wait to go again and had expressed how nice it was to be outside and do something that didn’t make him feel weak and tired! For us parents it was nice to see the boys do something active together and share an experience. Catching Dreams Charters Inc. has been instrumental in helping our boys pursue their newfound love for fishing. Captain Ned even provided them with their own fishing poles. During treatment while our son had little stamina and the first couple of years off treatment while regaining his strength, Catching Dreams Charters Inc. was therapeutic in helping him feel “normal” and being active outside. During his cancer journey, he learned to be very patient and in his words, “fishing is perfect for me because it requires patience to catch fish!."
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